


Last Revised: 1st May 2020

This privacy notice describes how we collect and process personal information through the website. This notice is consistent with Caterpillar’s Global Privacy Statement, which describes how FG Wilson collects, processes and shares personal data, rights that you may have under privacy laws, and other information relevant to FG Wilson’s processing of personal information. Caterpillar’s Global Privacy Statement is available at

User-Provided Information

This is an informative website that provides information about FG Wilson. It collects technical information described below and requests your contact information if you decide to leave feedback or request additional information.

Automatically Collected Information & Tracking

When you visit this Website, it automatically collects your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address and other technical information provided by your browser (e.g., your browser software, what site referred you to this Website, etc.).

Additionally, this website uses cookies and other tracking technologies as described in the Cookie Statement available at

Do Not Track Signals

At this time, the website does not respond to “Do Not Track” signals that may be sent by your browser. We may revisit this as standards develop on how such signals should be interpreted and applied.

Where can I obtain further information about the website and its privacy practices?

Contact FG Wilson

For additional corporate contact information, please see the Global Privacy Statement at

What happens if this privacy notice changes?

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice. If we update or change this privacy notice, the changes will be made on this page. Your use of the website following the posting of changes to this privacy notice will demonstrate your acceptance of those changes.